Saturday, June 16, 2012

It IS my business

As many of
you know, over the past years I have become just shy of apolitical , I am
disgusted with what this country has become on the inside and constantly question
the whys of our foreign policy and on-going wars involved in something we will
never be able to fix . I do not hear the words of the politicians as they
appear to be incessant chatterboxes of policy and zero actions as they are
stalled by their political opponents and we sit in stagnation and watch Rome
fall.  Let me reiterate that I am no
politician and I really do not know what I am talking about . However what I
can tell you is that our system is broken and we have to make changes and I
mean logical and simple changes to our country immediately .

Yesterday, I
experienced the epitome of what our country has become. I have had similar
experiences as we all have in certain setting which invoke a hostility and
questioning that those of us who are working for a living cry out.  Yesterday, I was at the Local Grocery store,
it is not the store that I prefer to go to. It is a store that is a tad unclean
feeling, the staff is a little unkept , and the people there a shy of circus
worthy.  Before 2008 I went to an upper
scale store because I liked it and I could afford to shop there. But I made
changes, changes to cut back .  So I am
in the store doing my typical run through for the night’s dinner. I now cook
from what’s on special, which is fine as I am blessed to be able to make a
decent meal for my family from just about nothing.  But we eat somewhat healthy and nutritious.
But Really I shop by the price tag now. I do not buy the best. I do not buy the
brands I would like. I buy on price . We have adjusted our purchasing to fit
the changes in our income. Do not mistake this as a whining session, but this  is an important and thought provoking example
of  something that we all do every day in
every city and every state. Politician, stockbroker,ironworker,horsegroomer,sanitation
worker you name it .

I watched
this lady  in the store as she was shopping
as I recognized that she looked familiar from somewhere but I could not place
it.  Regardless I wound up line behind
her with my 4 bags worth of “on special” half store brand goods for a night or
two.  Her cart was chock full of groceries.
All name brand – half was  high fructose
corn syrup , cokes ,  etc – literally a
bunch of crap. I cannot be judgemental of the way people shop and what they eat
and that is not my job nor intent.  Then
the thought occurred to me that we should start clipping coupons like these “others”
who save loads on groceries and get the name brands.

Then it was
time to “pay”, (which is now a relative word ). Her tab was $ 145.00 she used no coupons, nor did I see any tax ring up.
Out of the wallet comes the lovely peach colored and artfully designed Georgia  EBT card .  Just a swipe, there is no pain, there is no
look , there is no shaking of the head, there is no “man groceries have gotten
expensive” no care, no shock, just a quick motion of the wrist and that’s all
it was . However, there was not enough money on her card to cover all of her
bill. So into her wallet she pulls out the amount needed to cover. I glance at
the wallet. It is chock full of cash and I mean cash not 5’s and 1’s .  I am stunned, but then I  condemn myself for being judgmental.   and tell myself that its none of my business.  Then she leaves and as she is exiting the
store, she stops by the lottery machine to buy several handfuls of tickets. Now
I am really stunned, thoughts spinning around , how do  people get away with this ? Where does she
get the cash from and then get groceries on my tax dolllars .  Wait a minute, she works. I know she works as
I saw her last week on the job, that’s right she works for … . Wow – she works
.   I shake my head in amazement. I am
enraged enough to confront her.  For the
moment I feel like I have been cheated, like I have been sold a faulty item and
can’t take it back , like I have been duped .  I take this on personally because I know her
and I know she works a job and now I know that I buy her groceries so she can
buy her lottery tickets . Why do convenience store take EBT cards ?  I am done with this.
I get my things
and follow her out with full intent of asking her what her deal is . I really
want to know . I want to know that secret. I feel like I am the stupid one here
. For a moment I feel like the sheep in the flock and in fleeting thought “ why
cant I do that “.  Why can’t I get the
government to pay for 50% of my monthly household expenses . I snap back
quickly to focus , as I am outside trying to find her. She is getting in a late
model souped up Mustang Convertible.  I
move towards the car . Then my clear thoughts say , abort the mission , what
are you going to do about this , what are you going to change by confronting 
Her its none
of your business .  Well dammit it is my business !!!!

It is my business
and your business and our ancestors business that have paid for and have raised
an entire generation to think they are  rewarded for not working. While the rest of us
are working our tails off  we arte paying
for now two generations of people the only work they do is walk to the mailbox
to get their check .  We have a
government that has given to so many that half the population is not paying
taxes and on government programs . Really ?   We have people living
in public housing that trash the free roof they get from us every month. Only
to have us rebuild it with “ Obama Money “ Not only that but we will give them
a cell phone and pay for service for those who “need” it .  Really . The model is broken. The equation does not add up anymore. Do the math
working America. One thing is for certain – we have to change.

On the way
home from the store. I have political wake up moment after the event and feel
the need to do something..  On the way
home, I pass that souped up Mustang convertible in front of the liquor store. On
the radio is a report that they are outlawing :Biggie Size “ Meals in New York
, I laugh to think they are spending someones money on that legislation , yet I
question when and where will it end.  What
will this solve, if they have an EBT card they can buy 2 lg fries.  Maybe you should try regulating profits from
the oil companies instead ?  Oh but your BP
lobbyist might not take you to aruba next week hey ?

Millions are
abusing the system . Those that are taking and those that are giving

It has to
stop now . Time to change our children’s future !  Vote – make a difference.

“Never doubt that
a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only
thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead